Web Development??

Web Development??

On 23/01/2024 , I Started my journey towards web development at my college in Bangalore and I made my first website live..

How I started?

First I setup my visual studio code(VS Code) and then I started writing my first code in vs code in html format.

While writing the code I studied about the lines of html in detail and it is:-

  • <!DOCTYPE html> --> We are using version html 5.

  • <html lang="en"> --> Heading,Paragraph everything in website will be in english.

  • "width=device-width"-----> Width of device in pixel(px).

  • initial-scale=1.0-----> Initial size of web portal.

  • <meta charset="UTF-8">--> A-Z, a-z, 0-9, Special Characters comes in UTF-8.

  • Boiler plate code---> The code which is already written in vs code to save time of programmer.

  • EMMET---> Use to help coders especially web developer to avoid repetitive codes..

How I made live?

After writing the html code I pushed it through gitbash in my github repository through various steps :-

  1. git init --> Initialized git in my folder.

  2. git add . --> Adding all files in git.

  3. git commit -m "message" --> commit changes made in the folder.

  4. git branch -M main --> Naming convention for a branch.

  5. git remote add origin "URL" --> Letting the git to know where to keep file.

  6. git push --> Pushing the file in Github.

Then, I opened Vercel and made account. There,I connected it to my repository and deployed my project .

And yaa then my website was live..

Link to my first practice website:

First Website Live